In this part, we will learn how to profile a CUDA kernel using both nvprof and nvvp, the Visual Profiler. We will use the convolution kernel from Part 3, and discover thanks to profiling how to improve it.

We gathered the code from Part 3 into a file named ‘’. Below is its exact content:

with open('', 'r') as f:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numba import cuda
import numpy as np
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve as scipy_convolve

def convolve(result, mask, image):
    # expects a 2D grid and 2D blocks,
    # a mask with odd numbers of rows and columns, (-1-)
    # a grayscale image

    # (-2-) 2D coordinates of the current thread:
    i, j = cuda.grid(2)

    # (-3-) if the thread coordinates are outside of the image, we ignore the thread:
    image_rows, image_cols = image.shape
    if (i >= image_rows) or (j >= image_cols):

    # To compute the result at coordinates (i, j), we need to use delta_rows rows of the image
    # before and after the i_th row,
    # as well as delta_cols columns of the image before and after the j_th column:
    delta_rows = mask.shape[0] // 2
    delta_cols = mask.shape[1] // 2

    # The result at coordinates (i, j) is equal to
    # sum_{k, l} mask[k, l] * image[i - k + delta_rows, j - l + delta_cols]
    # with k and l going through the whole mask array:
    s = 0
    for k in range(mask.shape[0]):
        for l in range(mask.shape[1]):
            i_k = i - k + delta_rows
            j_l = j - l + delta_cols
            # (-4-) Check if (i_k, j_k) coordinates are inside the image:
            if (i_k >= 0) and (i_k < image_rows) and (j_l >= 0) and (j_l < image_cols):
                s += mask[k, l] * image[i_k, j_l]
    result[i, j] = s

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Read image
    full_image = rgb2gray( / 255
    image = full_image[150:350, 200:400].copy()

    # We preallocate the result array:
    result = np.empty_like(image)

    # We choose a random mask:
    mask = np.random.rand(13, 13).astype(np.float32)
    mask /= mask.sum()  # We normalize the mask

    # We use blocks of 32x32 pixels:
    blockdim = (32, 32)

    # We compute grid dimensions big enough to cover the whole image:
    griddim = (image.shape[0] // blockdim[0] + 1, image.shape[1] // blockdim[1] + 1)

    # We apply our convolution to our image:
    convolve[griddim, blockdim](result, mask, image)

    # We check that the error with respect to Scipy convolve function is small:
    scipy_result = scipy_convolve(image, mask, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
    max_rel_error = np.max(np.abs(result - scipy_result) / np.abs(scipy_result))
    if  max_rel_error > 1e-5:
        raise AssertionError('Maximum relative error w.r.t Scipy convolve is too large: ' 
                             + max_rel_error)

For python files, nvprof can be launched the following way: nvprof python
This command executes the default mode of nvprof that is the summary mode.

!nvprof python
==31134== NVPROF is profiling process 31134, command: python
==31134== Profiling application: python
==31134== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:   88.56%  420.61us         1  420.61us  420.61us  420.61us  cudapy::__main__::convolve$241(Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>)
                    5.89%  27.969us         3  9.3230us     704ns  13.697us  [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
                    5.55%  26.368us         3  8.7890us     704ns  12.832us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
      API calls:   98.23%  117.78ms         1  117.78ms  117.78ms  117.78ms  cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain
                    0.43%  515.48us         1  515.48us  515.48us  515.48us  cuLinkCreate
                    0.39%  472.98us         3  157.66us  12.402us  419.71us  cuMemcpyDtoH
                    0.28%  334.16us         3  111.39us  10.594us  199.43us  cuMemAlloc
                    0.17%  199.68us         1  199.68us  199.68us  199.68us  cuModuleLoadDataEx
                    0.13%  154.79us         1  154.79us  154.79us  154.79us  cuLinkAddData
                    0.11%  130.80us         1  130.80us  130.80us  130.80us  cuLinkComplete
                    0.11%  128.24us         1  128.24us  128.24us  128.24us  cuMemGetInfo
                    0.07%  87.852us         3  29.284us  13.469us  39.206us  cuMemcpyHtoD
                    0.04%  45.955us         1  45.955us  45.955us  45.955us  cuDeviceGetName
                    0.02%  23.518us         1  23.518us  23.518us  23.518us  cuLaunchKernel
                    0.01%  11.778us         2  5.8890us     725ns  11.053us  cuDeviceGet
                    0.00%  3.1840us         3  1.0610us     353ns  1.6210us  cuDeviceGetCount
                    0.00%  2.9720us         5     594ns     409ns     961ns  cuFuncGetAttribute
                    0.00%  2.0340us         1  2.0340us  2.0340us  2.0340us  cuCtxPushCurrent
                    0.00%  1.4530us         3     484ns     410ns     580ns  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.00%  1.3650us         1  1.3650us  1.3650us  1.3650us  cuModuleGetFunction
                    0.00%     913ns         1     913ns     913ns     913ns  cuDeviceComputeCapability
                    0.00%     880ns         1     880ns     880ns     880ns  cuLinkDestroy

nvprof can also be used to collect detailed data that can be next imported into NVIDIA Visual Profiler. We will use the two following commands to create first a timeline and next to collect all the metrics and events:

!nvprof --quiet --export-profile python
!nvprof --quiet --metrics all --events all -o python

We can next launch nvvp:


Click on File/Import, select Nvprof and click Next: Import nvprof

Select Single Process and click Next: Single Process

Fill Timeline data file and Event/Metrics data file with the path to your files, and click on Finish: Data files

You should get a screen similar to this: Global Data

Let’s now examine our kernel: - Click on Examine Individual Kernels (bottom-left) - Select the kernel instance (bottom-middle) - Click on Perform Kernel Analysis (bottom-left) Examine kernel

You should get something similar to: Kernel performance

Nvvp tells us that: > Kernel Performance Is Bound By Memory Bandwidth > > For device “GeForce GTX 1070” the kernel’s compute utilization is significantly lower than its memory utilization. These utilization levels indicate that the performance of the kernel is most likely being limited by the memory system. For this kernel the limiting factor in the memory system is the bandwidth of the L2 Cache memory.

However, if you look at the utilization graph, you see that the compute utilization is given as ‘Function Unit(Double)’. Let’s check more details about computation by clicking on Perform Compute Analysis: Compute analysis

We notice here that the highest Utilization Level is Double. Double means Double-precision floating-point arithmetic instructions. We thought we did all computation in single-precision, that means there is a bug in our kernel!

If you look at the Floating-Point Operation Counts section, you see that there is no FP64 Mul but only FP64 Add instructions. This should help us to find the bug easily. In the kernel, additions are made on the line s += mask[k, l] * image[i_k, j_l]. The problem is that the local variable s is recognized as double while we wanted it to be a single-precision float. The solution is to give a type to s when we initialize it by using: s = numba.float32(0).

When initializing a variable inside a kernel, don’t forget to assign it a type!

Below is a new version of our code taking into consideration this modification:

with open('', 'r') as f:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from numba import cuda, float32
import numpy as np
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from scipy.ndimage.filters import convolve as scipy_convolve

def convolve(result, mask, image):
    # expects a 2D grid and 2D blocks,
    # a mask with odd numbers of rows and columns, (-1-)
    # a grayscale image

    # (-2-) 2D coordinates of the current thread:
    i, j = cuda.grid(2)

    # (-3-) if the thread coordinates are outside of the image, we ignore the thread:
    image_rows, image_cols = image.shape
    if (i >= image_rows) or (j >= image_cols):

    # To compute the result at coordinates (i, j), we need to use delta_rows rows of the image
    # before and after the i_th row,
    # as well as delta_cols columns of the image before and after the j_th column:
    delta_rows = mask.shape[0] // 2
    delta_cols = mask.shape[1] // 2

    # The result at coordinates (i, j) is equal to
    # sum_{k, l} mask[k, l] * image[i - k + delta_rows, j - l + delta_cols]
    # with k and l going through the whole mask array:
    s = float32(0)
    for k in range(mask.shape[0]):
        for l in range(mask.shape[1]):
            i_k = i - k + delta_rows
            j_l = j - l + delta_cols
            # (-4-) Check if (i_k, j_k) coordinates are inside the image:
            if (i_k >= 0) and (i_k < image_rows) and (j_l >= 0) and (j_l < image_cols):
                s += mask[k, l] * image[i_k, j_l]
    result[i, j] = s

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Read image
    full_image = rgb2gray( / 255
    image = full_image[150:350, 200:400].copy()

    # We preallocate the result array:
    result = np.empty_like(image)

    # We choose a random mask:
    mask = np.random.rand(13, 13).astype(np.float32)
    mask /= mask.sum()  # We normalize the mask

    # We use blocks of 32x32 pixels:
    blockdim = (32, 32)

    # We compute grid dimensions big enough to cover the whole image:
    griddim = (image.shape[0] // blockdim[0] + 1, image.shape[1] // blockdim[1] + 1)

    # We apply our convolution to our image:
    convolve[griddim, blockdim](result, mask, image)

    # We check that the error with respect to Scipy convolve function is small:
    scipy_result = scipy_convolve(image, mask, mode='constant', cval=0.0, origin=0)
    max_rel_error = np.max(np.abs(result - scipy_result) / np.abs(scipy_result))
    if  max_rel_error > 1e-5:
        raise AssertionError('Maximum relative error w.r.t Scipy convolve is too large: ' 
                             + max_rel_error)

Let’s execute nvprof in summary mode:

!nvprof python
==31389== NVPROF is profiling process 31389, command: python
==31389== Profiling application: python
==31389== Profiling result:
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
 GPU activities:   88.63%  424.42us         1  424.42us  424.42us  424.42us  cudapy::__main__::convolve$241(Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>, Array<float, int=2, C, mutable, aligned>)
                    5.81%  27.840us         3  9.2800us     704ns  13.568us  [CUDA memcpy HtoD]
                    5.56%  26.624us         3  8.8740us     704ns  13.088us  [CUDA memcpy DtoH]
      API calls:   98.24%  120.98ms         1  120.98ms  120.98ms  120.98ms  cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain
                    0.43%  532.97us         1  532.97us  532.97us  532.97us  cuLinkCreate
                    0.38%  473.08us         3  157.69us  12.874us  418.06us  cuMemcpyDtoH
                    0.28%  345.44us         3  115.15us  11.188us  207.94us  cuMemAlloc
                    0.17%  213.41us         1  213.41us  213.41us  213.41us  cuModuleLoadDataEx
                    0.13%  155.91us         1  155.91us  155.91us  155.91us  cuLinkAddData
                    0.11%  130.78us         1  130.78us  130.78us  130.78us  cuLinkComplete
                    0.11%  130.10us         1  130.10us  130.10us  130.10us  cuMemGetInfo
                    0.07%  89.970us         3  29.990us  13.502us  41.667us  cuMemcpyHtoD
                    0.04%  54.566us         1  54.566us  54.566us  54.566us  cuDeviceGetName
                    0.02%  25.161us         1  25.161us  25.161us  25.161us  cuLaunchKernel
                    0.00%  3.8530us         3  1.2840us     357ns  2.2390us  cuDeviceGetCount
                    0.00%  3.2900us         5     658ns     456ns  1.0330us  cuFuncGetAttribute
                    0.00%  2.3000us         1  2.3000us  2.3000us  2.3000us  cuCtxPushCurrent
                    0.00%  1.6720us         2     836ns     771ns     901ns  cuDeviceGet
                    0.00%  1.5600us         3     520ns     416ns     698ns  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.00%  1.4520us         1  1.4520us  1.4520us  1.4520us  cuModuleGetFunction
                    0.00%     906ns         1     906ns     906ns     906ns  cuLinkDestroy
                    0.00%     799ns         1     799ns     799ns     799ns  cuDeviceComputeCapability

We see that the kernel is not faster, this is not surprising since it was indicated that the kernel performance was bound by memory bandwidth. We collect the detailed data for further analysis:

!nvprof --quiet --export-profile python
!nvprof --quiet --metrics all --events all -o python

We import once again in nvvp and perform compute analysis. In the floating-point operation counts section, we get that only FP32 Mul-Add are used, this is in accordance with our expectations.

Compute analysis

In Part 5 of this introduction, we will see how to improve the “performance bounded by memory bandwidth” problem.